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Issue 2: February 2023

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You are given a grid full of arrows. Divide the grid into regions of orthogonally connected cells. Each region must contain exactly 8 arrowheads, pointing to each direction exactly once. All cells are used exactly once. When done correctly, several regions are 5 cells large. They form pentominoes. 
Which pentominoes appear in the correct solution? We have provided the shapes below for reference when entering your answer.

Submit your answer using the form below. One entry per person please. 1 lucky winner will win a $50 Grandmaster Puzzles gift card. 3 runners-up will receive a copy of Nikoli Pencil Puzzles 2023. Winners are decided by random draw.
Submissions are now closed.
Winners will be announced in the next issue of PULZE as well as this website.

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Entry received


Contest is closed to contributors of PULZE. It is not necessary to purchase PULZE to enter its contests. The decision of the judges is final in all contests. PULZE reserve the right to use winners’ names for promotion and advertising. Winners will be privately contacted to provide further details for prize delivery.

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